The Gainsborough Greens Veteran Golfers Association (GG Vets) held its inaugural competition on Thursday, March 18, 2010. Since then the GG Vets have run a weekly competition every Thursday. Men and ladies must be 55 years old or older. These categories can play in all Vets competitions including District, State and National competitions.
We have kept the membership cost to a minimum, the initial fee is $85.00 (includes club shirt). The renewal fee is at the discretion of the Committee and is currently $30.00. To join the GG Vets club, you must be a financial Gold, Silver or Senior Silver Gainsborough Greens member, and meet the appropriate age restrictions.
Our total membership currently stands at 165 with weekly fields of around 70 players. Our events are varied competition with the last Thursday of the month's competition set aside as a "fun" team event (or select your partners) and luncheon along with presentations and member number draw. This event is a shotgun start with all players in carts. The lunch is subsidised by the committee to help encourage attendance so all have a great day socialising.
If you would like to join us for a game you can be assured that you will experience wonderful camaraderie with our members.
For more information, please refer to our website
*GG Vets is affiliated with the Northern Gold Coast & Districts Veterans Golfers Association (NGC&VGA Inc.) and each year competes in the District's events.